Did you ever take your kids to the trampoline park? Or perhaps you have one in your backyard? Did your kids ever ask you to jump with them, but you had to refuse?

Did you ever say “no” to a friend and invent excuses when she invited you on a run?

What about watching a funny movie? Ever have to push pause mid-laugh to visit the restroom?

Although it is not often talked about openly, women’s urinary incontinence, the involuntary loss of urine, is experienced by a vast number of women. So many women are needlessly sidelined from activities they love and want to do with others.

Urinary Incontinence Solutions

When a woman does finally decide the problem is bad enough to discuss with her doctor, the doctor may first recommend limiting the amounts of fluids she drinks. Kegel exercises and regular bathroom breaks are also suggested.

But these recommendations do not always fix the problem.

Some women decide to take medication. But medication means side effects such as dry mouth, constipation, or worse.

Still, others opt for surgery which means pain, recovery time, time off of work and other daily activities.

But now there is a better way to solve the problem of women’s urinary incontinence.

o-shotThe O-Shot

The O-Shot, also known as the Orgasm Shot, has proven effective time and time again to recapture a woman’s sex drive and regain her ability to achieve orgasms.

This same O-Shot is also effective for women’s urinary incontinence since it strengthens the same muscle group.

How does the O-Shot work?

The O-Shot begins with drawing a small amount of blood from your arm. Next, the red blood cells are separated from the plasma. The plasma is processed to get a high concentration of platelets which have growth factors. These platelet growth factors are then injected into the vaginal region. The “lazy” cells are then stimulated and encouraged to grow, restoring the tissue back to health, therefore relieving the woman of urinary incontinence for 90% who have tried it.

Is there pain?

Many patients ask, “Is there pain?” The answer is no; there is no pain associated with the O-Shot. A very few have reported very mild discomfort. Most often no discomfort is reported and certainly no pain.


What are you waiting for?

Get back on that trampoline with the O-Shot! For more information, check out this video explanation or contact Dr. Scott’s team for more info.