Are you missing the “I” in Intimacy?

Are you missing the “I” in Intimacy?

Are you missing the “I” in Intimacy? – PT-141, also known as bremelanotide, is a synthetic peptide that has been studied for its potential use in treating sexual dysfunction in both men and women. While most of the research on PT-141 has focused on...
The Cost of Physician-Sold Supplements

The Cost of Physician-Sold Supplements

Numerous store brand supplements aren’t what their labels claim to be, according to an ongoing investigation that subjected popular herbal supplements to DNA testing. Dr. Scott’s only sells high-quality supplements that submit to 3rd party Independent Lab Testing.  Beware of counterfeit or outdated products sold on Amazon!

Struggling with Weight Loss? The Sooner You Know About Lipo-B Injections, the Better

Struggling with Weight Loss? The Sooner You Know About Lipo-B Injections, the Better

Millions of people this month are resolving that this will be the year to lose weight and keep it off. They want to look great and to feel great. Most of these people have tried to lose weight before with little to no results. Sometimes lack of progress is due to a lack of self-discipline. But how can you explain the lack of results when the person is doing all the right things (diet, exercise, sleeping well, etc)?

5 Different Ways to Win at Weight Loss in the New Year

5 Different Ways to Win at Weight Loss in the New Year

For 2017, Tammy is determined that she WILL lose weight and keep it off. But she still isn’t sure how to do it. It seems like dieting and exercising on her own is not enough. Have you been in Tammy’s shoes? Maybe you feel that way right now as you are formulating your personal goals for 2017. Dr. Scott can help.

Healthy Skin and How to Get It

Healthy Skin and How to Get It

What is the largest organ of your body? It’s not something inside you, but something all over you. It’s your skin! We don’t often think of our skin as a vital organ of our body, but it is the first layer of defense between your internal workings and the environment...