PRP Facelift

Restore shape tone and texture with a PRP Facelift!

Unlike most procedures, the PRP Facelift offers a way of both restoring shape and improving tone and texture, as well as literally rejuvenating new and younger tissue!

Do You Show These 3 Signs of Aging?

  1. Skin color becomes grayer because of less blood flow.
  2. Facial Shape becomes collapsed and droopy as muscle and collagen decrease.
  3. Skin texture becomes less smooth. As a result, the person looks “worn,” “tired,” or “droopy.”  The lively, rosy hue (seen plainly in playing children of every skin color and in young adults)is gone.
beautiful middle aged woman after her pcp facelift

Why the PRP Facelift?

Cosmetic surgery is sometimes appropriate and can remove excess skin, which can result in fewer wrinkles.  An important point to remember, however,  is it will NOT RESTORE VOLUME or improve texture and tone.  A surgical facelift not only has downtime, but it can also be more than what’s needed for some people.  If what you need is more volume, to restore shape, and an improvement in skin color and texture, the PRP Facelift procedure is a really great option.

Hyaluronic Acid (HA) fillers lift the skin away from the bone to restore youthful volume and shape.  Too many HA fillers can cause an unnatural look and do little to improve skin tone and texture.

The 4 Steps of the PRP FaceLift® Procedure

  1.  A small amount of HA filler (such as Juvéderm), is placed in strategic locations in the face to act as scaffolding for the PRP
  2. Blood is drawn from the patient.
  3. Platelet-rich plasma is concentrated and separated from the blood.
  4. This platelet-rich plasma is then injected into the face, where they release growth factors, inducing the growth of collagen, elastin, and blood vessels.

Give us a call at 704-282-9355.

What are the PRP Procedures?

The underlying premise is the same for all of the PRP Procedures. Blood is drawn from the patient’s arm, and that blood is placed in a very specialized centrifuge. This centrifuge first separates the red blood cells from the plasma. Then, it concentrates the platelets. We then utilize this platelet-rich plasma (PRP). These platelets contain growth factors that stimulate your own body to regenerate tissue within the area injected. It attracts and “fertilizes” stem cells to become collagen, elastin, blood vessels, adipose tissue, etc. (depending on the area where it’s injected). As an example, if it’s injected into a knee, it will cause the growth of cartilage tissue.

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) has been used in dentistry and in orthopedics for years. Sports stars such as Tiger Wood and Peyton Manning have shortened their wound healing time considerably using this procedure. In my practice, I am using platelet-rich plasma to regenerate tissue in aesthetics (the PRP Facelift and Facial), in men who suffer from erectile dysfunction (the P-shot), and in women to help with sexual issues and urinary incontinence (the O-shot). I have also been using PRP in both women and men to restore hair growth (the PRP Hair Restoration Procedure). The PRP that’s injected resorbs within 3-5 days. Then in about 2-4 weeks, tissue growth begins, with maximal results being seen at 3 months. The duration of effect is between 12-24 months, depending on the individual and which procedure is chosen.

Ready to schedule an appointment for the PRP Facelift?