About Dr Scotts

About Dr Scotts

About Dr Scotts Restorative Health & Aesthetics Offerings – At Dr. Scott’s Restorative Health & Aesthetics, our mission is to help you achieve optimal health and vitality. Located in Charlotte, North Carolina, and proudly serving clients throughout the Southeast for over 30 years, our practice is dedicated to providing individualized care that goes beyond standard medical protocols. We specialize in helping patients with weight management, hormone optimization, testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT), and the treatment of thyroid disorders and cortisol imbalances.

Lab Results – Our Approach

One of the ways Dr. Scott’s stands apart from other practices is our approach to lab results. Many physicians make treatment decisions based solely on whether your lab work falls within a “normal” range. However, we understand that what is considered “normal” for one person may not be optimal for you. That’s why we look at the whole picture—your symptoms, lifestyle, and goals—before crafting a treatment plan specifically tailored to your needs.

Thyroid Disorders

For example, thyroid disorders are often misdiagnosed or untreated because physicians only look at a limited thyroid panel. At Dr. Scott’s, we utilize a comprehensive panel that assesses not only individual thyroid levels but also the ratios between them. This approach ensures that we’re not missing any important information that could be key to improving your health.

Chronic Stress

Chronic stress is another factor that can wreak havoc on your body. Long-term stress leads to abnormal cortisol levels, which, in turn, affects how hormones function in your body. At Dr. Scott’s, we help patients manage cortisol imbalances, which can contribute to fatigue, weight gain, and difficulty sleeping. Our comprehensive approach ensures that we address not just the symptoms but the root cause of your health issues.

Our philosophy is simple: You are more than just the numbers on a lab report. We believe in fully evaluating the cause of your symptoms rather than treating you based on lab results alone. This individualized care ensures that every patient receives a plan that is uniquely tailored to their health needs.

About Dr. Scotts

Dr. Scott Shapiro, our founder, has been practicing medicine for over 35 years and is Board Certified by the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine. His dedication to personalized care stems from a lifelong passion for helping patients improve their quality of life. Dr. Scott’s background in preventive medicine and his focus on innovative therapies have helped thousands of patients regain their health and vitality.

In addition to personalized health care, Dr. Scott established Dr. Scott’s Lab Testing to offer clients easier access to important health tests without the hassle of additional office visits. Whether you’re looking to monitor your hormone levels or address specific health concerns, our lab testing services provide quick, accurate results in a confidential and hassle-free environment.

Take Control of Your Health

If you’re ready to take control of your health and experience the benefits of personalized, integrative care, contact Dr. Scott’s Restorative Health & Aesthetics today. Call us at 704-282-9355 to schedule your consultation and learn more about how we can help you achieve optimal health or schedule your appointment online here.

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