PT-141 for Women

Are you missing the “I” in Intimacy?

PT-141 Could be the answer!

For too many years, the study of sexual dysfunction for women has been woefully inadequate. By dysfunction, I’m not talking about not being able to “do” the actual deed.   I’m talking more about the WANTING to do it!   If you’ve enjoyed the desire of intimacy in the past but feel like it has become more of a chore than personal pleasure for YOU, this peptide could be just the support you need.  

PT-141, or ( Bremelanotide) ,  is an injectable peptide used to help women who have low sexual desire before they reach menopause. It is used when hypoactive sexual desire disorder does not have a known cause and is causing significant distress.  PT-141 is injected under the skin of the stomach or the thigh at least 45 minutes before a woman is planning to have sex. The injection activates the melanocortin receptors,

What are the Effects of PT 141 in WOMEN?

PT-141 is sometimes referred to as the female Viagra because it is the only known medication that can be taken as needed to rapidly boost libido and sexual performance in women. Aside from its ability to promote sexual health.  Recent studies have shown that over 43% of the women in the United States experience little or no sexual satisfaction from orgasm and only 25% achieve orgasm with intercourse.  Fortunately, there are libido treatments for women who desire greater sexual fulfillment, greater intimacy, and enhanced relationships.   Our treatments with the Viveve and the O Shot for vaginal rejuvenation,  urinary incontinence and greater sensitivity during intercourse, have been game changers for many of our female patients.  I’m so happy that we are now able to offer a solution that also helps with the desire component of a healthy sex life. 

With PT-141, more women reported moderate or high sexual desire following bremelanotide treatment vs. placebo. Among women who attempted sexual intercourse within 24 hours after treatment, significantly more were satisfied with their level of sexual arousal following PT-141, compared with placebo.

PT 141 Can also help men!  

PT 141 is effective in treating sexual dysfunction in men – impotence / erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. In initial testing, Melanotan II was first studied to induce tanning, but the researcher noticed the formula additionally caused sexual arousal and spontaneous erections as unexpected side effects in 9 out of 10 male volunteer test subjects. PT- 141 has been shown to have significant results on male test patients, with what is described as “intense” and “frequent” erections lasting between 2-6 hours.

PT 141  is believed to act on certain neurotransmitters, called melanocortins, to help improve sexual desire. The exact way this works isn’t fully known.

Your doctor will need to determine whether your low sexual desire could be caused by something else going on in your life. For example, you may have been prescribed a medication that affects sexual desire or be experiencing significant stress at home or at work which could also be affecting your desire for sex.

Your overall health and sexual history will also need to be assessed.  The first is to determine whether you have any contraindications for taking this peptide.  The second is to make certain you’ve experienced sexual desire in the past. A lifelong lack of sexual desire is not an indication for Bremelanotide.  

Other Benefits Being Researched for PT-141

  • PT-141 and Infection – In specific fungal infections, the MC-1R has been found to possess important anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties.  In the future Pt 141 may be considered as a possible alternative treatment for fungal infections because of PT-141 ability to activate the MC-1R.


  • High Blood Pressure that is not controlled. Due to its effects on blood pressure (generally a transient increase in systolic blood pressure by 6 mmHg, and diastolic blood pressure by 3 mmHg), bremelanotide is considered contraindicated in people with uncontrolled high blood pressure or cardiovascular disease.  As long as bremelanotide is not used more than once in one day, it is not expected to cause more severe increases in blood pressure.
  • Known Cardiovascular Disease

Possible Side Effects

Nausea , flushing,  injection site reactions, headache and sometimes,  vomiting.   Nausea is the most reported side effect in women when dosing for the first time.   Reports show this side effect decreases with subsequent uses.   

Not everyone is a candidate for PT-141, so it’s important to share your complete health history during your consultation.  Most of our patients have loved the results of this treatment.  

Call us today to see if this may be a tool to help your intimate experiences be more exciting and fulfilling, for yourself AND your partner! 704-282-9355